For assistance with your student loan please call The U.S. Department of Education Default Resolution Group at 800-621-3115

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our website. We hope for this to be a vehicle for those who would either like to get information about Bass & Associates, P.C. or on general bankruptcy and creditor's issues.

If you would like further information on any of the subjects that appear on these pages, have a compliment, or complaint we encourage you to click here to contact us

We appreciate your interest in our website and hope that you will visit us again for periodic updates.

Bass & Associates, Fort Lowell office

Our Company

Our Services

Compliance manager certificate identification number issued by Commissioner CM11589
Compliance manager unique identifier issued by NMLS 992539

NEW YORK CITY RESIDENTS: Bass & Associates of AZ, PC's language access service is limited to several employees who can converse with consumers in Spanish. We do not provide translations of any communications into a language other than English. A translation and description of commonly-used debt collection terms is available in multiple languages on the Department's website

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